Contact us

Discord is always the fastest way to get in touch, but we will respond via email, text, or snail-mail within 24-48 hours.

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Frequently Asked Questions

There's a lot to take in, we know.
That's what our staff is available 24/7 to help you integrate Triba into your personal and professional life.

What is Gold Verified? 

Community sourced business support from our trusted service providers. Access deals, discount codes, and free resources. Connect and find new clients, opportunities, and partnerships! Now you can support our amazing community and pave the way for a new age of business collaborations.

How do I get Gold Verified?

Check out the premium subscription tab in Discord (Top Left on DESKTOP) and check out to access the full channels and discounts! 

What kind of Discounts does Gold provide?

As Triba Gold, you'll get listed on our Verified page and offer your services or work to find customers and clients. You can also make money w/ referrals! You can find the perfect freelancer, employer, or co-founder. We'll walk you through the process and ensure you connect with the right people.

Can I get verified as a service provider?

We'll need to verify and vet your product, services, or brand before we present your business to the community. You can market your business on our website, get featured in our announcements, and we'll promote you at our digital conferences or live streams. Apply here!

Does Triba offer free trials?

The core networking, chats, workshops, and resources are FREE to all Triba members. Just complete the onboarding process and get working on your business development! The additional savings and discounts for in-network providers is only available for Triba Gold members and higher.

Can I invite my team?

Yes! We're a collaborative family and you're encouraged to spread the word - just create your own unique invite in the top left corner of your Discord app or send then the link to give the gift of better business.

Do you currently have opening positions?

We're always looking for help in developing the premier business network and professional development community on Web 3.0! If you have the initiative and collaborative spirit we would LOVE to work together! 
Complete the Staff Application in our Discord and we'll contact you.

Do you offer Promotions?

We are currently accepting limited applications for Triba Partners and Sponsors. We will vet your business and ensure it aligns with our values, as a collaborative community. If we are a good fit, we would love to talk about sponsoring or promoting each other at events and in campaigns we run with influencers. Complete the application in our Discord server.

Can I get a refund?

It's free. No.


Our Verified Partners Provide Top Tier Services and Offer Exclusive TRIBA GOLD Discounts!

Gold Verified
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